The Naked Songwriter

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Aquarius Full Moon + Jupiter Direct – August 15, 2019
The Naked Songwriter Podcast #47

Everything is about to change with Jupiter direct in Sagittarius….How to deal with the suckiness of everything while staying open to imminent opportunities to change everything….Why your meta narrative – the stories you tell yourself about yourself and about the world – need some serious attention in August 2019…the truth about the 1960s and how it relates to where we are at this cosmic moment….

The Naked Songwriter is my (usually) twice-a-month love letter to you in words and music. I can always use a little sugar in my bowl (donate link).
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And if you still do Facebook stuff, you can like my page and stay in the loop that way. Sometimes I do weird fun combo platters of music and astrology there. With my kids and dog.
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The Naked SongwriterBy D.K. Brainard