The twohundredby200 Creative Podcast

twohundredby200 Podcast Episode 28 - More Creative Workshops, Search for Gaelic Graphic Designer

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Join Sean from the twohundredby200 design studio in the 28th episode of the our Creative Podcast and catch up with the week’s studio and industry news.

This week Sean talks about some developments in the studio and makes appeal for a Freelance Graphic Designer or Graphic Design Studio fluent in Gaelic to work on a project taking place this coming May (4th-18th).  You can find out more on our “Work for Us” section of our website. Sean thanks everyone for their help in finding specialist illustrators for another studio project.

We will be running another free workshop for Graphic Designers looking for employment in the creative industry. This time the workshop takes place in St Andrews, Fife, and there are 24 places available. Visit our website for more information.

Reminder - the closing date for entries for our Logo design book and screen print is the 29th February and you can enter by visiting the win page on our website.

This weeks listeners questions cover the small size of our design studio, what pens we use in our Time-lapse Thursday videos and what happened to the Retro Print Workshop who often worked alongside twohundredby200 on creative projects in the past.

If you have any suggestions for content that you would like to see included in 2016 then please contact us at [email protected]

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The twohundredby200 Creative PodcastBy twohundredby200