The Vivi Nation Podcast

Ultra running diaries: Part 3 - the mindset of an endurance runner

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In part 3 of the Ultra running diaries, the series where we share our journey scaling from 10k fitness to 100k ultra, we’re going to be talking about the mindset of an endurance runner and we thought it was time to get some more experienced runners on the podcast to give us some advice. So our cousin and ultra runner James Randall joins us to provide us with an update on how he thinks our training is going, as well as Vince Savarese, who shares his running journey and recent exploits doing the 4x4x48 challenge, which involves running for four miles every four hours for 48 hours, inspired by the one and only ex-Navy Seal, David Goggins.

Endurance distances are just as much a mental as a physical challenge, if not more. Being able to handle pain and go through the mental barrier is a constant theme in ultra training, so in our interview with James and Vince we wanted to find out a bit more about what it takes to be an endurance runner, what gets you over the line, how to manage pain, and what we should know about endurance running mindset.

'Make friends with pain and you'll never be lonely.'

And as for those who you who didn’t expect us to get this far, sorry to disappoint. We’re still going!

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The Vivi Nation PodcastBy Vivi Nation