Learning Experience Leader

Update - Moving Platforms and a BIG thank you

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Hey everyone! I wanted to provide a very brief update about the hosting of the show. I’m moving the podcast to a new podcasting service and am keeping my fingers crossed that I don’t lose any of you in the process. 

What does this mean for you? 

Moving to Buzzsprout means better show notes and access to resources for you, it appears to include tags and chapter headings which if your podcast service supports it should make it easier for you to scan or reference parts of episodes after the fact, and it's simply more accessible than what I was using before.

I’d like to call out a few special people who have been supporting the show through Patreon. A huge thank you to Matt, Rodrigo, Kyle, Colin, and Sam who have believed in the show to support it as a Patron.

If you are not on LinkedIn and would like to see content and discussion on other platforms, please send me a note at [email protected] or leave me a voicemail at ‪(801) 900-5970.

  • The new website: lxleader.buzzsprout.com
  • Support the show on the Patreon page
  • Follow the LX Leader Podcast on the LinkedIn page, follow up resources and discussion will be plentiful! 
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Learning Experience LeaderBy Greg Williams