NGV World Podcast

Using Google Mobility reports to estimate natural gas consumption drops and Biogas around Europe

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Big Data is providing new insights on what to expect regarding mobility and fuel demand for the upcoming weeks, using information from Google. Natural Gas Spot Prices remain around 1.6 dollars per MMBTU.   

Is a week to deeply analyze Renewable Natural Gas, through very important reports on RNG around Europe.

Listen to the NGV World Podcast with a new season and a new format - Episode 16.

It continues to be a challenging week, the US is receiving a huge impact with the COVID-19 outbreak, and India announced a complete lockdown that seems to be having a good effect. 

We have great insights on mobility, this time with very interesting and detailed data reports on mobility from Google, which is a great proxy for fuel consumption and of course NGV consumption.

We are covering 2 pieces of news related to Biogas around Europe and a new magazine release dedicated to NGVs.

We will have our regular GAS PRICE OVERVIEW section where we will talk about the behavior on Natgas prices this week, and also a quick review of what's happening in India regarding pricing.

Of course, we will have our Great NGV Content of the week where I’m excited to show you great pieces from Chevron, a cool CNG fleet station in Arizona and a 360 video of a CNG station in Mexico.

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NGV World PodcastBy Ricardo Carmona