Waiting 4 Wrath

Waiting 4 Wrath - Episode 257 - The One Where We Take Candy From The Man!

In This Week’s Show, episode 257, we dive into the spooky, scary, skeletons in Planet X’s murder closet!

Join us tonight at 6:30pm Mountain Standard time (Denver) for another rousing episode of 4 More Beers, our free-to-patrons second show! We'll be recording live, having beers, and chatting with you on the YouTubes! If you want a link visit https://patreon.com/w4w where for as little as a buck a show you'll get to hear me talk about Planet Hole 9 and get a link to the live show later tonight!

Now, grab a beer and help us test the god hypothesis — because, while Makemake hasn’t struck us down yet, we are trying their patience!

Shea’s Life Lesson

This week I learned that when you fall off your parents insurance, it’s basically the same as your manufacturer’s warranty expiring.

Jenn’s Actual Lesson

Did you know that Aleistair Crowley (aka The Beast, aka The Wickedest Man Alive) had himself a castle in Scotland? On the shores of Loch Ness? That was later bought by Led Zeppelin founder and guitarist Jimmy Page to indulge in lots of drug-fueled occultism and attempts to harness magick.

That castle’s seen some shit is what I’m saying.

But before we get to all that, let’s have a beer!

This Week’s Beer

Budweiser Discovery Reserve from Shea

* BA Link: https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/29/409610/
* BA Rating: 3.53 out of 5
* Style: American Amber/Red Lager
* ABV: 5%
* Aaron: 4
* Jenn:4
* Steve: 5

This Week’s Show

Round Table

Prezzies from Steve-E...

Reply to awesome listener Tara’s voicemail.

Hangover cures that work and don’t: episodes 193 & 194

Update from Jenn: I learned this week on Dan’s Cummings Time Suck Podcast that there is a remaining group of Lemurians still around. They’ve moved into hidden caverns within Mt. Shasta.

Patreon Story

The Dark Side of Planet 9!

We’re not strangers to the mysterious 9th planet. Some say it inhabits the outermost rim of the solar system, beyond the smallest-still-a-planet-if-you-ask-me Pluto where, somehow, it’s warm enough for lizard people to live.

Others suggest that it orbits the sun perpendicularly to the rest of the planets in the solar system. The idea being that its orbital plane is roughly 90 degrees off of the sun’s equatorial horizon. To give you an idea of just how far off axis that is, the most steeply tilted known objects are Eris, a dwarf planetoid at 44.0445 degrees, nearly twice that of “make make” whose orbital inclinations is about 29 degrees.

Fun fact, the discovery of Makemake is part of what contributed to downgrading Pluto from a planet to a sad ball of frozen rock no one gives a shit about.

Oh yeah, this is a science story... mostly.

Interestingly, Makemake has a radius of about 444.28 miles, is the second largest known object in the Kepler belt, has a 309 year... year, and one moon. Makemake, actually pronounced mah-kee-mah-kee, is also the god of fertility and creator of humans in the Rapa Nui mythology. Before its discovery was publicly announced the planetoid was given the codename “Easterbunny” as it was found shortly after Easter.

Looks at your phone now to see an orbital diagram of Makemake

So, why does all of this matter?

For starters, it’s interesting. But for our story, it’s a fun introduction to the discovery that Planet X is actually black hole X!

From Vice


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Waiting 4 WrathBy Aaron, Jenn, Jim, Shea & Steve

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