Waiting 4 Wrath

Waiting 4 Wrath -Episode 145 - The One Where We Find Out We're Full Of Stars

07.19.2019 - By Aaron, Jenn, Jim, Shea & StevePlay

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Episode 145 - The One Where We Find Out We're Full Of Stars - Standard

In This Week’s Show, episode 245, it’s Steve, Shea and I because Jenn went Bang, Zoom, right to the moon!

Now, grab a beer and help us test the god hypothesis — because, while Mars (Patrons will get that), Roman God of War,  hasn’t struck us down yet, we are trying his patience!

Shea’s Life Lesson

I'm worried that people are forgetting what prime day is really about, and who died to make it possible. So let's have a moment of silence for the great Optimus.

Jenn’s Actual Lesson

It wasn't intense enough for Jenn in Laramie so she went camping to be “in tents.”

But before we get to all that, let’s have a beer!

This Week’s Beer

Fire Ant Funeral | Texas Ale Project Dallas, TX

* BA Link: https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/37947/149299/

* BA Rating: 3.69/5

* Style: American Amber / Red Ale

* ABV: 6%

* Aaron: 6

* Shea: 6

* Steve: 6

* This Week’s Show

Round Table Discussion

New patron The Custodial Humanist.I love the name, but I have a question? Is it custodial as in providing protection or as in incarceration?

Awesomely funny show.

Waiting 4 Wrath is why I am seen laughing hysterically while driving home on Fridays to reach that all important post work beer. If you don’t listen to this podcast you are a poopy head.

5 Stars, Colin from Canada

Many thanks to our favorite farmer for the fab photo of the red heifers because of course there are red heifers.

This Week’s Stories

Did we or didn’t we?

As I hope our esteemed listeners are fully aware, Saturday July 20 is the 50th anniversary of the first human invaders to another celestial body (that we’re aware of, Stargate-type possibilities notwithstanding). As you probably also know; I’m the oldest one on this podcast and I was but 7 months old at the time, so I don’t remember it, though my mother tells me I was crawling around the room at 3:17 pm when they were watching it on TV. It had launched a few days earlier on July 16, traversed approximately 240,000 miles of fucking nothing, and landed safely on the moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin spent approximately 21.5 hours on the surface, of which about 2.5 hours was outside of the lunar module “Eagle” and walking around doing stuff. They then, along with command pilot Michael Collins made the trip back home and landed in the middle of nowhere south pacific ocean about halfway between Hawaii and the Marshall Islands.

It only took me a couple of minutes to recount the very basics of the event, but it represented the culmination of nearly 10 years of intensive engineering work and training by over 420,000 people working for the US government and over 20,000 companies, spending billions of dollars and millions of man-hours to answer President Kennedy’s May 1961 call to congress of, “…landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.” And at Rice University in September 1962 the famous words,

“We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone,

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