The Walk Fife Podcast - Exploring the Kingdom on Foot

Walk Fife Podcast 34 - 2019 Workshops & Hill Safety

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The blustery autumnal weather has found Sean taking shelter in this episode of the Walk Fife Podcast. There is lots of news to share from across the Fife walking community and beyond.

2019 Workshops - Have your say!

Sean reveals our 2019 programme of free workshops and how you can have your say in choosing what four of the topics covered will be. Our volunteer run workshops will help you learn new outdoor skills by attending a Walk Fife Workshop. We will be running workshops across the county covering topics such as map reading, using a GPS, nordic walking and many more.

Safety on the hills

Sean shares some advice on how to help inform others of safety concerns after a recent incident on the Cairngorms involving two walkers who had to be recused after they headed up Ben Macdui wearing gym clothing and carrying no equipment.

Dechmont UFO Trail

West Lothian Council have created ‘UFO trail’ at the site of famous close encounter in 1979. The Dechmont UFO Trail follows the path of forester Robert Taylor and allows walkers to follow the way marked trail to discover more about this unusual event and to enjoy the wonderful woodlands, wildlife and views of Dechmont Law

Listener questions

The topics for the questions in this episode cover repairing a GPS device and choosing the correct gaiters for you.

Doug Scott Talk Reminder

UK charity, Community Action Nepal (CAN), will be hosting a talk by mountaineer Doug Scott CBE on 26th November at the Vine Conference Centre in Dunfermline to help raise funds to help support the mountain people of Nepal. This talk will cover the expedition to climb The Ogre a story which has since entered mountaineering folklore as one of the most dramatic stories of hard climbing, team work and survival against all odds.

Get in touch

If you have any suggestions for future episodes of the Walk Fife podcast then please get in touch with us through our website or you can even drop us a line through Twitter or Facebook. Please email us at [email protected]

Show Links

Walk Fife 2019 Workshops -

Dechmont Law UFO Trail -

Doug Scott Talk -

Walk Fife Stickers -

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The Walk Fife Podcast - Exploring the Kingdom on FootBy Walk Fife