Education Suspended

Wander to Wonder

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In this episode we connect with Christine Corr Kiewra, an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Christine reflects on lessons learned from her 20 years of experience in early childhood education and how that impacts the way she now supports adult learners. She dives into the importance of wandering and its connection to creating opportunities of wonder. Christine’s passion for nature and play with students of all ages is inspiring and she highlights why these are the same ingredients that can bring joy to educators. 

Christine is an assistant professor of practice in the Department of Child, Youth, and Family Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She was the recipient of the 2022 Swanson Award for Teaching Excellence. Christine is also a consulting editor for the International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education and a Board Member of the Dimensions Educational Research Foundation.

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Education SuspendedBy Intricate Roots

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