The LAVA Flow | Libertarian | Anarcho-capitalist | Voluntaryist | Agorist

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Unfortunately, war is still rustling my jimmies, but not the same war as the last episode. What's in the News with stories on internet information seizures, gun rights, more Silk Road trial corruption, a judge who said a man can't sleep with his wife consensually, bad cops, and digital camera searches. Finally, The Next Generation on schools teaching conformity over education. This episode is brought to you by Tom Woods's Liberty Classroom, helping you to become a smarter and more informed libertarian than ever before, for just 24 cents a day. WHAT’S RUSTLING MY JIMMIES Last week war was rustling my jimmies, but it was the impending war with North Korea at the time. I was very concerned, as were many people, that the rhetoric on both sides was reaching levels never before seen and that we were headed to an all out war. Thankfully, Kim Jong Un blinked. Conservatives are calling it a victory for Trump in that he stood up to Kim and didn't back down, instead, causing Kim to back down. Of course, the truth is a bit more nuanced than that, with China saying they would not back a first strike by North Korea being a huge factor in North Korea backing down. But, I'm confident that Trump wanted war and I would be willing to bet that he was pissed when Kim blinked, because, within days of Kim backing down, Trump laid out his plan to send even more troops to Vietn... I mean Afghanistan. Yeah, this is just what we need, expanding the longest war in American history with more troops. Before long, Trump will begin sending Troops into Afghanistan that weren't even alive when the war began. Let that sink in for a minute. Trump laid out a plan that included five key pieces to it. The first price is troop levels. Trump has given the Pentagon the authority to ramp up troop levels in Afghanistan by several thousand. The US currently has about 8,400 troops in Afghanistan, and US military generals have said that a few thousand more troops would help the US break the current stalemate against the Taliban. Bullshit. In 2010 we had over 100,000 troops in Afghanistan. Did that win the war? Of course not. And neither will this few thousand troops. I suggest you find out the truth about the Afghanistan war from Scott Horton, host of The Scoot Horton show and the writer of the new book, Fool's Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan. You can get it in paperback or Kindle format from Amazon. WHAT'S IN THE NEWS In unfit to exist news, the US Department of Justice demanded files on anti-Trump activists that visited the website, a website created by one of its customers to plan and announce actions intended to interrupt President Trump's inauguration. In more unfit to exist news, the governor of Oregon signed gun control legislation that would allow authorities to strip firearms from law-abiding citizens. This bill was supported by both Democrats and Republicans. In investigating the investigators news, new charges have been filed against a former Secret Service agent who previously pled guilty to stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of bitcoin during the US government’s Silk Road investigation. In what the actual fuck news, a British man with Down Syndrome was prevented from having sex with his wife, whom he married 2010, until he received special training from the government on sex. In politically correct is incorrect news, ESPN decided to pull an Asian college football announcer named Robert Lee off the William and Mary at University of Virginia college football game because they were concerned that having a football announcer named Robert Lee would be offensive to some viewers, apparently because of Civil War General Robert E. Lee. In watch the watchers news, cops attacked a man in a Detroit gas station, confiscated the store surveillance video, and lied about what happened, at least until cell phone video proved they were lying.  In some good news, the Massachusetts Supreme Court rules that digital cameras can't be searched without a warrant.  THE NEXT GENERATION Schools now feel they have a mandate to tell you what they are truly for, and it's not education. It is about conformity and compliance, molding good citizens. At Deer Park Elementary School in Pasco County, Florida, signs appeared last week showing a hierarchy of behaviors from good to bad. “Democracy” was at the top, “Anarchy” was at the bottom. While there are many issues with these posters, beginning with the fact that public schooling is far from democratic, the one causing the most outrage among parents is the desire for children to exhibit “Cooperation/Conformity.”

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