Law Chat with Girija

Ways to Facilitate the Exit of an Employee or Independent Contractor from Your Company

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Facilitate the exit of an employee or independent contractor with ease. Tune in to find out how!


Episode Introduction: 

This episode is the ultimate guide on navigating the sticky situation that every entrepreneur faces when an employee or independent contractor exits a business relationship.


Episode Summary: 

In this week’s episode of Law Chat with Girija, we talk about five action steps that you can take in order to ensure that when an employee or independent contractor exits your business, you have systems set in place to make the transition smooth and error-free.


Main Takeaways:

  • Set expectations of how you want your business operations to function at the beginning of a relationship.
  • Ensure that you have a list of all the passwords that your team members are using to operate your business accounts on different platforms.
  • Have your employee/ independent contractor SOPs set up so that you follow a standardized procedure each time and don’t miss out on a crucial step.
  • Maintain a running list of all of the tasks that each employee/ independent contractor is performing for your business.
  • When there’s noticeable contention in a business relationship, make sure there’s documentation to back it up.
  • When you integrate good practices into your business from the beginning, they grow with you instead of you having to implement them suddenly when there’s an issue at hand.
  • Ensure that you secure all your confidential information and change passwords that an employee/ independent contractor exiting the position has had access to for security reasons.
  • If the person leaving the company was in a client or vendor-facing role, inform said clients and/ or vendors that the person is no longer representing your company and redirect them to their new point of contact.
  • Have a termination contract that outlines the terms of the exit.


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Law Chat with GirijaBy Girija Bhargava Patel

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