Justin Mohr Show

We DON’T need more gun control, we need to eliminate the gun free zones at our schools by allowing teachers to conceal and carry! Gun control measures only disarm the “good guys” because the “bad guys” already don’t follow the laws!

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On Valentine’s Day, the worst school shooting took place with 17 people dead. Of course this issue has turned into a political football but there’s a simple solution…allow teachers to carry guns!  All of these mass shootings occur at gun free zones! We need to eliminate the gun free zones! It’s really quite simple because criminals don’t follow the laws. Passing more laws only disarms the good guys and we need the good guys with the guns!  So what is happening now in the political sphere in regard to gun control is the same B.S. these politicians are for another solution where the government needs more power and we need more regulations to “protect” us.  When will people realize the government isn’t exactly good at solving problems, actually they’re really good at making matters worse!

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Justin Mohr ShowBy Justin Mohr-Austrian economics, libertarian podcast

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