People with Parents Podcast

We Were Daddy’s Girls

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In This Episode of People with Parents…We have an interview! I’ve wanted to do more interviews for the podcast for some time now, and at last I got to have a conversation with Carole Montgomery. She is one of my long-time, good friends in standup comedy; and even before I started this podcast, I cried many times on her shoulder about My Parents because she has already been there, done that.


We talk about what it’s like to “lose them” before we lose them. The little things that tell us, “Something’s up with Dad.” Seeing and admitting the signs of dementia, dealing with hospital delirium, and the UTI bonus round; the reality of nursing homes in the age of COVID, the national conversations we’re not having but need to and why elders need advocates.

And how all of this puts aging in perspective.

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People with Parents is podcast is where I share stories about the role reversal and ever-changing relationship between me – an adult child – and my aging parents. If you can relate, or know someone who can, please share. Subscribe to and review the podcast on iTunes (StitcherGoogle Play) and like the People with Parents Facebook Page.

It’s lived, written, and produced by stand-up comedian and author Leighann Lord: Daughter with a capital D. Visit her at Music by the Jazz Lounge Project. 



Help & Humor for Caretakers


Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @LeighannLord

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People with Parents PodcastBy Leighann Lord

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