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Most of our resolutions and goals fail for one big reason....they are "what's" and "what's" don't inspire us. Our goals of self-discovery, launching a business, growing sales or influence or career pivots are great, but they're just the "what's."
Simon Sinek says "There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you and inspire it." The way to inspire your own behavior is to discover the why behind the what.
Every one of us in this group is either discovering, launching, growing or pivoting. We all have a goal or two, some small and some large within those areas that we want to see become a reality this year. That's awesome and I celebrate it. But if you want to increase the odds of it becoming a reality you need to push deeper to the "why?" Why do you want to discover, launch, grow or pivot? Whatever this answer is, this becomes your rallying cry for the year.
Move beyond a simple goal...put a date on it and define the why.
This is the first day of "Your Best Year". A five day podcast series on Onward Creatives.
Are you ready to make 2020 the best year ever?
Let's Talk!
Welcome to the Onward Creatives podcast. A weekly podcast that helps you find clarity and take action so you can build and grow your brand.
Each week we go beyond all the hype and the noise and we help chart a course to build a business your customer will love.
Don't do it alone! Join the community!
Onward Creatives
Most of our resolutions and goals fail for one big reason....they are "what's" and "what's" don't inspire us. Our goals of self-discovery, launching a business, growing sales or influence or career pivots are great, but they're just the "what's."
Simon Sinek says "There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you and inspire it." The way to inspire your own behavior is to discover the why behind the what.
Every one of us in this group is either discovering, launching, growing or pivoting. We all have a goal or two, some small and some large within those areas that we want to see become a reality this year. That's awesome and I celebrate it. But if you want to increase the odds of it becoming a reality you need to push deeper to the "why?" Why do you want to discover, launch, grow or pivot? Whatever this answer is, this becomes your rallying cry for the year.
Move beyond a simple goal...put a date on it and define the why.
This is the first day of "Your Best Year". A five day podcast series on Onward Creatives.
Are you ready to make 2020 the best year ever?
Let's Talk!
Welcome to the Onward Creatives podcast. A weekly podcast that helps you find clarity and take action so you can build and grow your brand.
Each week we go beyond all the hype and the noise and we help chart a course to build a business your customer will love.
Don't do it alone! Join the community!
Onward Creatives