Fellowship Bible Church Sermons | Palmyra, WI

When stoning make sense: The Story of Galatians

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This is the first sermon, a preparatory sermon, in a new series on Paul’s letter to the churches he planted in Galatians. We look at the backstory of Paul’s work with the Galatian churches. This helps us understand the tone of the book—a bit angrier than usual for Paul—and the significance of the subject matter.

Galatians is about identity and politics, sensitive, volatile issues. (In Paul’s words, Galatians is about justification, new creation, Abraham’s people, who gets the inheritance, the life of the Spirit, and who gets to eat with who.)

To prepare us for this study, we concluded by praying the following, based on Galatians 2:20:

“Lord, I have been crucified with Christ. So may it be Christ who lives in me; and no longer I who live. Spirit, form Christ in me. And may the life I live here and now be a life of faith in Jesus, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Jesus, I give myself to You. Amen.”

Series: Paul's Letter to the Galatians: The Only Thing That Counts

Photo by Beth Jnr on Unsplash


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Fellowship Bible Church Sermons | Palmyra, WIBy David Griffiths

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