The Robyn Graham Show - Success without Social - Brand Marketing and Business Growth Strategies for Christian Entrepreneurs

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Who do you believe you are? What you believe about yourself determines the decisions you make and the results you achieve. When you believe, you succeed. Who you believe yourself to be is a factor in the amount of success you'll have. If you don't believe in yourself you won't take the steps necessary to grow and become. You must know who you are if you want to succeed. As Christian business owners, Christ empowers you to do big things and to have a big impact. Making decisions like a CEO As small business owners, you are the CEO of your business. The more you believe in yourself, the better your decisions will be. A very significant decision you need to make is what is your best offer for your best client. Many times we as women labor over decisions, questioning the what-ifs. Therefore it's important to learn to evaluate, to think in terms of your best client, and to make decisions without overthinking them. Quite often, indecision is what holds you back. You have to believe in yourself, in God's purpose for you, and in your soulmate clients, that they need you. Indecision is a decision. Don't be double-minded. No is the default for not making a decision. Making a decision is not a one-step process. If you make a decision but then things don't happen fast enough, for example selling a new offer, then you change your mind. Making a decision is a two-part process. The first step is making a choice. Secondly, you must make a commitment to your choice. Three key steps to grow a successful business: Belief in yourself, your purpose, what God can do in your life, and in your soulmate clients Making decisions, sticking to the decisions, not wavering on your decisions when you don't sell quickly Build a foundation for your business, before relying on social media, by differentiating yourself from all others in your niche Evaluate your decisions by mapping them out. Pen to paper is very powerful. Create a strategy for making decisions. But, don't stop there, stay committed to the decisions. Your brain knows so much. Take what's in it and put it on paper so that you can capture and visualize it. When you believe, you succeed. You must believe in who you are and whose you are (a child of God), and you will be more confident in the decisions you make. In addition, your belief in your purpose and your soulmates is important for ultimate growth and success.   Read the full show notes and access all links.  Learn more and connect with Judy Weber: Website for Judy Weber   Friend, if you're tired of unbelief, I'm here to help you grow in your belief in yourself and in Jesus! If you are tired of doing all the things with minimal results, let's chat! There are multiple ways we can work together to grow your business without social media. I've got you. And you can rest assured the business growth process can be simplified. Schedule your free strategy consultation today.    Apply for a Thinking it Through Wins and Wisdom feature on The Robyn Graham Show. 

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