Toni Wren is the Executive Director of Anti-Poverty Week, which is held every October to raise awareness and understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty in Australia, and to encourage action to end it.
While Australia is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, it still has 2.65 million people (over 1 in 10) living on income support payments below the poverty line, including 940,000 children (1 in 5). To treat all of Australia’s children fairly, we need to ensure every family has enough money to cover the basics and a secure roof over their heads. Anti-Poverty Week is calling on governments to unlock poverty by addressing these underlying inequalities via: the Raise the Rate campaign to permanently raise income support above the poverty line; and the Everybody’s Home campaign to urgently invest in social housing.
In this conversation Toni Wren, and Families Under Pressure host, Life Course Centre Chief Investigator, Professor Matt Sanders, discuss what poverty means in Australia, who experiences it, lessons from COVID-19, and solutions to empower children and families to exit poverty and break the intergenerational cycle of disadvantage.
More information:
Anti-Poverty Week
Life Course Centre:
Raise the Rate campaign
Everybody's Home campaign