Phobos Militia Hobbycast

WWF Hasbro Figures and Wrestling Collectibles

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Originally Published June 16, 2017

We continue our talks with Chris Cardillo of Coleco Holdings LLC

Finding 'The American Dream'
Hunting Down Hasbros: Then and Now
The Macho Man-King Variant
What to Look out for when Hunting
Accessory Obscurities
The New Mattel 'Hasbro Throwbacks'
Random Roman Reigns Mini-Analysis
Hasbro Customs
Rarest and Hardest to Find Overall
Variants & Holy Grails
WCW Galoob Figures
Hasbro Mini Wrestlers
Jake Roberts' Damian Rubber Snake with Bag
Wrestling Buddies and WCW Knockoffs
WWF Ring Replacement Stickers
Greg Valentine Rhythm and Blues Proto

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Phobos Militia HobbycastBy Jeff and Andrea Wittenhagen from Unky Kyle's Retroseum