PodCasts Archives - McAlvany Weekly Commentary

Your Questions Answered Part 3

01.05.2022 - By McAlvany ICAPlay

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Money made speculatively must be preserved or else lost

"There are decades where nothing happens, and weeks where decades happen"

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The McAlvany Weekly Commentary

with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick

Your Questions Answered, Part 3

January 4, 2022

“Just because you have stocks, real estate, and bitcoin going up drastically doesn’t mean that they’re a better hedge against inflation. They are trading on their own dynamics for their own reasons as an expression of speculative excess, not necessarily as a ‘hedge.’ We’re really at a fascinating crossroads. And I wouldn’t be too concerned about timing. If you see something in advance, be willing to position for it and be patient because I don’t know that anyone gets to be right in both timing and trend.” — David McAlvany

Kevin: Welcome to the McAlvany Weekly Commentary. I’m Kevin Orrick, along with David McAlvany. 

Well, my buttons are bursting Dave. I was just in a meeting with you and everyone at our company. And we just talked about, we’re going into the 50th year of McAlvany. And I really think, listening to the various departments giving their reports for the last year and talking about 2022, I really think we are at our best right now. And so I just, I want to thank you for allowing me in your family, allowing me to be a participant in all of this. Before we get into the question and answers, even our listeners, I feel like, are part of the family, and I want to thank them also.

David: Yeah, this is a big year for us. It is five decades now in the rear view mirror with our asset management company heading into the 15th year and the Weekly Commentary as we get closer to March, that’ll be the beginning of our 15th year of doing this every week. So we look at these Q&As;, these question and answer sessions at the end of each year. And we’re amazed and pleased that we get to have such a robust conversation and interaction with some really bright people out there. And so we appreciate you engaging with us. We hope that you can take these conversations and pass them along to friends and family members so that your conversations more broadly can be informed, inspired, helped along, guided in any way possible. 

And this is a major part of what we do on a weekly basis in terms of looking at the world and figuring out what the right things to do from a financial standpoint would be. But yep, 50 years, 15 years, 15 years, these are some milestones as we head into 2022. We’re very excited about 2022. I think there’s some pretty big challenges to be faced within the financial markets, but that’s not daunting if you are adequately engaged and there’s a variety of resources that you need. Hopefully this is adding to some of the resources.

Kevin: One of the things that I love about working with your family is the diversity of the conversations that we have. Truth is truth. Whether you’re talking about the financial markets, whether you’re talking about politics, whether you’re talking spiritually, truth is truth. And what I love about our clients, too, and the people who listen to the show, is that’s what they’re pursuing. So the variability of what we talk about, some people think, oh, well, it’s a gold company, or oh, it’s a financial management company. 

Really, the only way that you can get to truth is to look at it from every angle. And we’re starting show number three of the answers to the questions. And this is a question from Mike that actually reveals that you have to look at truth from a lot of different directions. Mike says, “In your December 8th podcast, you mentioned that a judge ordered the release of Pfizer’s emergency authorization report. Is there a link or a way I can get this report?

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