Just Go Play

Youth Sports in 2020: The Hard Truth

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In this Just Go Play podcast episode, Daryl Devonish, Taryn Lipschitz, and Matt Young speak about: Youth Sport in 2020: The Hard Truth.

Hear the discussion on the good, the bad, and the ugly from 2020 and what are the challenges and, more importantly, the opportunities for youth sports in 2021.

Covid has taught us that we can no longer do things the way they've always been done and provided businesses the opportunity to work ON the business while they are not IN the business. 

Matt outlines the importance of developing an operating system with the key success factor being the leadership that will have the vision and courage to take this responsibility on. 

The discussion includes the biggest barriers in sport which include:

  1. Money 
  2. Ego 
  3. A generation of adults who equate their kids level of play with their social status in the community 
  4. The Truth: most people can’t handle the truth

Followed by the biggest opportunities in sport and from covid - including that all problems are solvable. 

Daryl, Taryn, and Matt discuss the importance of having the right people, systems, and support in place so that everyone is able to operate at their best and work together to create quality sport experiences. 

Hear the resources and insight on who is doing it well, what can be excepted for 2021, and what each of us need to reflect on from 2020. 

Connect with the team for more insights and to continue to the discussion on what went well during 2020 and what we can work together on in 2021:


  • Instagram: @daryldevonish
  • Twitter: @CoachDman
  • LinkedIn: Daryl Devonish
  • Website: www.daryldevonish.com


  • Twitter: @mattyoung101
  • LinkedIn: Matt Young
  • Website: www.qualitysporthub.com


  • Instagram: @tarynlipschitz
  • Twitter: @tarynlipschitz
  • LinkedIn: Taryn Lipschitz
  • Website: www.tarynlipschitz.com

Follow Just Go Play on Instagram @qualitycoaching to receive coaching insights and information.  

Just Go Play is the resource for parents, teachers, coaches, and athletes to understand how sports will help build skills for life. The mission is to help and encourage kids, parents, and coaches to enjoy sports and participate for life.

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Just Go PlayBy Matthew Young and Daryl Devonish