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Mike Zappy Zaplin is an entrepreneur, a psychedelic advocate, and a filmmaker. Zappy has been featured in Playboy, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and more.
He is a gregarious fella. With good intentions, like many of us, to demystify the conversation around psychedelics.
Zappy Co-Founded with Warren Gumpel the “Ketamine Fund” a nonprofit (501c3) dedicated to dramatically reducing suicide rates in society by providing free ketamine treatments to anyone having suicidal ideations.
You can hear even more from Zappy on our free Meet Delic Live events. Head over to MeetDelic.com to access those.
This episode was brought to you by RealitySandwich.com. Your psychedelic library with over 5,000 pieces of content. Knowladge is power, have a bite!
Mike Zappy Zaplin is an entrepreneur, a psychedelic advocate, and a filmmaker. Zappy has been featured in Playboy, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and more.
He is a gregarious fella. With good intentions, like many of us, to demystify the conversation around psychedelics.
Zappy Co-Founded with Warren Gumpel the “Ketamine Fund” a nonprofit (501c3) dedicated to dramatically reducing suicide rates in society by providing free ketamine treatments to anyone having suicidal ideations.
You can hear even more from Zappy on our free Meet Delic Live events. Head over to MeetDelic.com to access those.
This episode was brought to you by RealitySandwich.com. Your psychedelic library with over 5,000 pieces of content. Knowladge is power, have a bite!