Music 271: 4/25/07 I: The Blues: A: Form: • Solo vocalist accompanied by a guitar, small jazz ensemble, Big Band, guitar based ensembles, etc. • Sing the blues is to get rid of the blues • Most of the early singers were men from the south • 1920s: African-American women singers of the blues began their rise • Twelve-Bar Blues: Strophic forms usually in 5-6 stanzas (most vocal, at least one instrumental in many instances) • Three four-measure phrases: A - A’ - B • A: 2mm (I) + 2 mm (I) Singer → Instrument Call Response • A’: 2mm (IV) + 2mm (I) • B: 2mm (V) + 2mm (I) • Robert Johnson, Bessie Smith were among the first blues singers B: Role of call and response: C: The multiple opportunities for Signifyin’: II: Compositions surveying Jazz to c1945: • c1900-c1925: New Orleans Jazz • Outdoors: Parades • Celebratory Parades: (Political campaigns, Social clubs, Saints’ days, and other religious occasions) • Funereal Parades: (Dirges and hymns prior to internment, Jazz numbers after internment) • Dances: (Two-step (Ragtime’s Dance), Fox and other “Trots”) • Indoors: Dances • A: The New Orleans Parade Band: “Lord, lord, lord”: the Olympia Brass Band: B: New Orleans Jazz in Chicago: Louis Armstrong and his Hot Five: “West End Blues”: Jazz went up the IC railroad, not the Miss. river C: The Duke Ellington Orchestra: “Old Man Blues”: III: Crawford’s discussion of developments in Jazz after WWII: • Ch. 30: p.390 • Louis Armstrong: Did more to alter Jazz history than any other player, focused on the improvisation, expanded the range of the trumpet above the treble staff • Introduced Scat singing, but did not invent it: nonsense syllables in place of words • Late 1920s - beginning of 1940s, Jazz evolves into the Big Band style • Centers of Jazz became New York and Kansas City, Missouri • KC: Count Bassie • NY: Duke Ellington Orchestra - wrote pieces to feature individual players in his band, wrote over 1000 pieces •