October 05, 201717/10/05(木)読書会まで13日電車でものすごく咳き込んでいる人を見つけ、思わず隣の車両に移動したもんざです。 一緒に同じ車両に30分以上乗っていたら、感染しますよね、たぶん。。。 そろそろマスクをしている人がチラホラ見受けられるようになりました。 今 … 続きを読む 17/10/05(木)読書会まで13日 →...more2minPlay
October 01, 201706.I believe I’m lucky, because…10.01.2017If I need help, somebody or something always saves me. Last Thursday I unexpectedly found information that my … 続きを読む 06.I believe I’m lucky, because…10.01.2017 →...more3minPlay
September 26, 201705. what is generosity 09.26.17Just first glance, most people judge the personality and living environment of the strangers. It’s common, but … 続きを読む 05. what is generosity 09.26.17 →...more2minPlay
September 24, 201704.What is the problem with the youth if they grow slower? 09.24.17I had read the article, “Today’s youth grow up slower.” However, I wasn’t surprised because it’s already a con … 続きを読む 04.What is the problem with the youth if they grow slower? 09.24.17 →...more3minPlay
September 21, 201703.Why are you in need of so much money?09.21.17Sometimes I feel a strange atmosphere in Japan nowadays. I am aware the reason is obvious but I’m doubting the … 続きを読む 03.Why are you in need of so much money?09.21.17 →...more2minPlay
September 21, 201703.Why are you need so much money?09.21.17Sometimes I feel the strange atmosphere in living Japan nowadays.The reason is obviously I know. I’m dou … 続きを読む 03.Why are you need so much money?09.21.17 →...more2minPlay
September 19, 201702.I try to start my own podcast 09.19.17There are several things I want to try before I die. One of them is to have my own podcast, but these days I h … 続きを読む 02.I try to start my own podcast 09.19.17 →...more2minPlay
September 18, 201701.価値観の合う人を見つける09.18.17椎名さんにPodcast配信方法を教わりつつ、台湾で出会った方々のお話から価値観(core values)の話になりました。...more15minPlay