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In this Ming Jong Tey Podcast session 21, you will find out:
Detail walkthrough on how you should use each traffic source.
The best traffic source for article marketing if you want to concentrate on one.
The exact article template including the resources box you can use to pull in highly targeted subscribers.
How you can literally channel the traffic from some of the high profiles sites to your site via this content marketing strategy.
How to use Google to find those high profile sites that are open for you to channel their traffic.
How to use forum correctly to drive quick and quality traffic to your site.
The rationale behind forum marketing and why it is working like a charm if you are doing the right thing.
The fastest way to get super targeted traffic via solo ads email.
One simple thing you can do to build up rapport with your solo ads subscribers.
How to leverage your own products by recruiting affiliates and explode your traffic.
The exact process of using Adswap /Joint Venture marketing to get targeted subscribers fast.
The key to succeed in Adswap without burning your list (i.e. getting lots of unsubscribe).
How you can leverage link building for your long term business to get free organic traffic from Google.
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