The seventh episode of 1 in 5: From Bullied to Healed digs into the unique story of Rishi and Tyler, two friends who truly went from bullied to inseparable. While Rishi grew up as an Indian Hindu who was ruthlessly targeted by his classmates for his culture, ability to speak English, and various medical issues, Tyler's primitive years were filled with merciless words and actions directed towards his ADHD, passion for nature, and love of video game music. Although their childhoods were much different from one another, the commonality of Rishi and Tyler's stories as victims of bullying led them to the start of a beautiful friendship during their senior year of high school. To this day, their brotherhood is stronger than ever thanks to the mature realizations they each had as they began to open up with one another. Rishi and Tyler sincerely exemplify what it means for a bully to admit that he or she was wrong, and for a victim to wholeheartedly forgive his or her bully.