Did You Know That Your are A Brand????
Yes .... every pic u post,
Every word u write on your social media has a huge impact on your Personal Branding...
Everyone on social media has a personal brand wheather a business
Person or celebrity
And often you are perceived thru the words u write and pictures you post....
U would have noticed that yourself...
A celeb posts a certain kind of pics with captions and u say omg she is so witty
He is so deep
He is so fabulous
He is so intelligent
Profound !!!!
Or simply negative, critical or a clown...
Similarly people have an impression about u and ur brand the minute they see a picture . And the caption
How are you Branding Yourself ?????
What is it that your posts and pictures are saying about you...
Its simple
So check out your last 10 posts and introspect ......
Are your posts ...
positve and vivid ?
Self obsessed Disgusted
Are the words u use giving u strength
Or r they making u sound and look weak and desperate ?