You’ve heard how the idea of the podcast of #100sareepact Reloaded came to me in the introductory episode here.
But then what did I do ? How did I proceed ?
I had already begun to research on podcasts for a few more projects since last year. The medium is new to me.
Messaging I know. Medium I didn’t.
I had been following Mukta’s posts on COVID-19, the problems that migrants were facing, her take on government, public & private roles and her attempt to make sense of all the chaos of #lockdown.
In the middle of all this I called her and told her about my idea. She gave me a patient hearing, leaned in with her inputs as well. I asked her on the spur of the moment if she would do a test run with me and she agreed immediately.
This episode of the podcast is that “pilot” we got onto spontaneously. Mukta and I talking. Ketav figuring out the technology for me while I experimented with structure and story telling.
The episode is special. For what Mukta has to say.
It’s even more special for me, personally, for what she did. Put herself in the hot seat so I could learn, tweak, rethink, rejig the podcast.
I’m leading with this one and taking you on the genesis of this podcast journey.
There are ideas brewing in my head on what ALL I could do as I go along, people I need to invite on the podcast, themes I want to explore, audience interaction that I must have...but it all started on this morning.
The idea came to life. Out of my head and on to a recording. Simple, honest, real.
Just two friends having a conversation, one talking about her life experiences through the saree and the other listening.
This is Mukta’s saree story.
I promise, whether we have become friends already or we are still to find that trust, I will listen to each and every story you want to share with the world.
I dedicate this episode to each one of you who have ever thought of starting something new and to your partner and buddies who supported you in your every madness.
Mukta thank you for your friendship.
Ketav thanks to you too, my partner in every insane plot of mine.
Mukta Naik, a trained architect, urban planner, development practitioner, change maker, dancer, wife, mother, woman, talks about her Taant saree.