RPGFan's Rhythm Encounter

116 - U R Not (red) E: PlayStation RPG Music Favorites

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On Rhythm Encounter, we have celebrated several consoles' RPG music, including the SNES (Episode 89), NES (Episode 73), and Genesis (Episode 92). Isn't it about time the original PlayStation got some love? It's hard to understate the tectonic shift in RPG releases in the West that began during the PSone's lifetime, and there is a treasure trove of wonderful music from RPGs released for Sony's first console. Of course, these eight tracks only scratch the surface, but they're a good start, and we will doubtlessly revisit this topic later. Be sure to let us know some of your favorite PSone songs!

Oh, and if you don't remember the uh... memorable PSone ad campaign that inspired this episode's title, you're probably lucky. But here is a link anyway. (Flashing light and poor video... and poor taste warning.)

Featuring: Mike Salbato, Hilary Andreff, Audra Bowling, Wes Iliff; Edited by Jono Logan

Links for this episode

  • Rhythm Encounter 51: The Yasunori Mitsuda Episode
  • Rhythm Encounter 63: Endings and Beginnings

0:06:37 - Opening BGM (Miki Higashino) - Suikoden II OST
0:09:14 - Primal Eyes (Yoko Shimomura) - Parasite Eve OST
0:27:05 - Casually (Akari Kaida) - Breath of Fire III OST
0:29:41 - DISC 1 Opening "Wild Arms 2nd Ignition ~You'll Never Be Alone~” (Michiko Naruke) - Wild ARMs 2 OST
0:45:27 - Anxious Heart (Nobuo Uematsu) - Final Fantasy VII OST
0:49:27 - October Mermaid (Yasunori Mitsuda) - Xenogears OST
1:03:51 - The Wind Sings, For the Journey (Yoko Shimomura) - Legend of Mana OST
1:05:50 - All Becomes Twilight (Motoi Sakuraba) - Valkyrie Profile OST
1:31:25 - Mike's Bonus Track!

Album links for places to buy, stream, and more are available in our post on RPGFan.

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