MBA Insider

#137: Leadership, Learning and Executive Coaching with Sounding Board CEO Christine Tao

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Christine Tao is the Co-Founder and CEO of Sounding Board, a leadership coaching platform focused on providing leadership and executive coaching to companies in a scalable way. After graduating with an MBA from Wharton in Marketing and Operations, Christine began her own journey in the startup and media world, with stints at growth-stage companies. Through these experiences, Christine learned about leadership and executive coaching, and witnessed the power of it herself, and as a result, was able to navigate many different challenges and opportunities throughout her career.

During our conversation Christine spoke about her journey and learnings from her experiences in the workplace and in her career. She also shared her lessons of leadership, why she Co-Founded Sounding Board, and why she believes in the power of leadership coaching.

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  • Sounding Board Website
  • Christine’s LinkedIn Profile
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