April 26th, 2023
In this episode: "Ada v Ativan", The Cook Report (1988) 🇬🇧. ⚠️Be advised, this episode maybe considered triggering for some listeners⚠️ This podcast episode contains the entire episode "Ada v Ativan" from the programme: The Cook Report, published in 1988 and can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbetbDf_imo&t=36s . In the episode, Roger Cook and his team, follow Ada from Nottingham, United Kingdom in 1988. Ada had been on Lorazepam (Ativan) for eleven years and wanted to show the world what the withdrawal looks like. Her second husband Emile was set up with a camera to film Ada as she tries to go cold turkey from her Benzodiazepine. Among other things in the episode, Roger Cook and his team confront the manifacturer. After the "Ava v Ativan" episode, Emma S. from the #unfiltered podcast and beatingthebenzo.com and I, talk about the episode @26:25. Due to a technical issue my audio sound is slightly off.