Coaches on a Mission

187. 5 Steps to Balance Ambition and Alignment

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My guest today is Darcie Warden who teaches people in midlife the Rising Phoenix Method to gain clarity about what's next so that they can enthusiastically step into new possibilities to create the next chapter of their life.

Darcie is in an all too familiar season of her business. She's willing to put in the work and wants to do it right. And she's also feeling a lot of pressure to be further along than she actually is right now.

So one part of her wants to honor where she's at while the other part of her is judging her progress as too slow or not enough or just flawed in some way.

Sound familiar? I think as online business owners, we can all feel this way from time to time.

Well, Darcie and I talked through the friction she felt to design an aligned plan to help her feel the way she wants to feel so she can work hard AND honor the natural progression every business takes.

WE got there by first exploring how Darcie shows up for her clients. In her words, she holds them in unconditional positive regard.

So, I invited Darcie to hold her business in unconditional positive regard.

From there, we came up with five steps she could follow in order to find that sweet spot between pushing and allowing success to come.

Here's what our plan looked like:

  1. Clarify your one year vision. What does success look like in 12 months?
  2. Give your business a voice. If your business was a person, what is it asking for?
  3. Dig deep to define what specifically your business's needs actually look like.
  4. Make that picture concrete by connecting a tangible action to each business need.
  5. This was such a creative and intuitive conversation. I hope you'll follow along so, like Darcie, you can hold your business in unconditional positive regard.

    Key Takeaways

    Learn to envision your business as a living entity with its own needs and desires.

    Develop a clear vision and concrete strategy to effectively propel your coaching venture forward.

    Embrace the power of community and the transformative possibilities of connection.

    Learn how to identify and hire the perfect team member to build your community and implement your business strategy.

    If you want to experience the same support and community that Darcie found in The Hive, consider joining The Hive today




    INSTAGRAM: @dallastraversbizmentor


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      Coaches on a MissionBy Dallas Travers

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