Linear TV is dead. And streaming platforms are the new reality. With the rise of Netflix, Amazon, Disney, etc., the media space has been completely revolutionized. What were the steps leading to this "disruption"? What makes Netflix so great and what kind of competitive advantage does it have? How to even compete with these sharks in the red ocean? Let's find out.
2:00 - Streaming industry taking over cable, and some numbers.
4.00 - Starting of Streaming with Netflix.
8:00 - How Ted Warner rejected Netflix as competition.
9:20 - Role of timing in the success of Netflix
11:10 - How Netflix had core roots in tech, and built it as a strong brand.
12:30 - The Netflix recommendation engine, the Cinematch algorithm.
16:00 - YouTube as a streaming platform.
17:00 - How many players are there in the entire Streaming Industry?
18:00 - Mental Model of YouTube, and if it can get paid memberships for its streaming.
19:00 - Psychology behind YouTube product and Netflix.
22:00 - How YouTube is trying to develop its niche in streaming.
23:00 - Numbers regarding subscribers in entire Streaming landscape.
25:00 - Kingdoms/Castles in the Cloud.
25:30 - 4 Reasons that made Netflix beat the shit out of competition, and dominate.
28:00 - Network Effects, and how they became netflix's moat.
30:30 - Economies of Scale.
32:00 - Power of Branding.
32:30 - Licensing deals of Disney with Netflix, and others.
33:00 - Netflix puts 16bn dollar into original content!