Since the death of George Floyd (and the many others), there has been an almighty cry within the Black community.
We want JUSTICE and we want CHANGE!
Join me along with these amazing women discussing our own issues and experience within racism, colourism and the deeper meaning to NOT TOUCHING OUR HAIR!
We tackle how we dealt with it and discuss how we believe we can move forward. This is such a sensitive subject and like most, we have put it in a box over the years and accepted it as "normal", well... not no more!
From Interacial relationship problems to touching our hair! We're here to discuss it! If you have gone through any similar experiences or stories you want to share to get the word out there that this is simply, NOT ACCEPTABLE (all anonymously) then please do drop us an email to [email protected] and we will get to discussing them.
Want to WATCH the chat...then catch Part 1 on YouTube HERE!!
Also, catch us on
Instagram- The Alpha Queens Talk
Kriss Jordan