In this hobby, individuals have the capacity to break hearts, take advantage of others, and mar their own reputations with acts of fraud and scams. Often, these individuals receive multiple chances, with others turning a blind eye, either due to longstanding friendships or perhaps an awareness of other dubious dealings in which they themselves have been involved. The hobby, it seems, has a short memory. However, at 2Thicc, we make a conscious effort not to forget. Recently, several people reached out to us about an individual with whom we had developed a friendship—a person we considered trustworthy. Shockingly, this individual committed unforgivable and heinous acts, they surpass the usual antics associated with cards. Despite the tendency of the hobby to forgive and forget, we at 2Thicc choose to remember and not forgive. These actions were beyond the pale. Despite the hobby’s tendency to move on and forget, we, as dads and decent human beings, will not. In this episode, we addressed these difficult topics, vowing to move forward, erase this person from our hobby experience, and make others aware of their transgressions if a second chance is ever considered. The hobby may have a proclivity for collective amnesia, but at 2Thicc, we refuse to forget. Our stance is not just a reflection of our dedication to the hobby but also stems from our roles as fathers who uphold principles of integrity and justice.