Coaches on a Mission

201. 10 New Clients and Counting - How She Did It

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Our guest today will probably sound familiar. Her name is Darcie Warden and she teaches people in midlife the Rising Phoenix Method to gain clarity about what's next so that they can enthusiastically step into new possibilities to create the next chapter of their life.

Darcie and I recorded episode 187 when she just began implementing my Client Surge System. In fact, she signed her very first client the day before we recorded. Two months later, Darcie found herself with 10 clients thanks to Client Surge.

We are about to open enrollment for Client Surge on Feb. 20th, so I thought it would be helpful for you to hear exactly what Darcie did to go from zero to 10 clients in less than 90 days.

If your goal this year is more paying clients, this episode is a must listen. And, you should probably grab your free spot for the Clients From Scratch workshop. You've got two dates to choose from, February 20 or 21, and you'll learn three paths to more leads, plus we'll talk about The Art of Client Centered Selling.

You can register now at The worlds' worst url, but you won't forget it will ya?

With that, let's take a look behind the scenes of Darcie's Client Surge journey to 10 fabulous paying clients.

Key Takeaways

  • Structured Approach
  • Client-Centered Sales
  • Invitational Videos
  • Navigating Tension
  • Integrate Coaching Skills into Sales
  • Refine Messaging
  • Graduation is Success
  • Timestamps & Key Topics

    [02:00] Introduction
    [03:10] Setting the Stage: Darcie's Business Before Client Surge
    [05:30] Darcie's Journey through Client Surge
    [09:08] Darcie's Results: Reflecting on Client Surge
    [09:50] Standout Strategy: The Power of Invitational Videos
    [12:50] Evolving Sales Calls: From Stiff to Client-Centered
    [15:04] Adjusting the Sales Call Framework: Meeting Clients Where They Are
    [19:25] Embracing Silence: Navigating Tension vs. Pressure in Sales Conversations
    [24:25] Dallas and Darcie discuss integrating coaching skills into sales calls.
    [27:00] Evolution of messaging during Client Surge.
    [29:00] Handling client transitions and changing perspective on client graduation.
    [32:25] Importance of client-centered focus in coaching and differentiating between politeness and kindness
    [34:05] Recognizing personal growth and transformation in business.
    [36:20] Embracing intentional and strategic growth.
    [39:45] Importance of coaches being visible to serve those in need.



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    Coaches on a MissionBy Dallas Travers

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