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This week, Omnic Lab gets together for the annual Omnic Noon for 2020! Blevins and Deathblow from High Noon Podcast join up with Andres and Rob to catch up on news and look forward to the next major features coming up in Overwatch!
GAME NIGHT: 1/27/2020
WEBSITE: http://www.omniclab.com/links
PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/omniclab
DISCORD INVITE: https://discord.gg/vZ26JX4
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/4PNaj8fM0j5pdIaGEDrPPJ
Shownotes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13mDj-VIDSHF_bMrepXUlgokdXg0xz3FWtUxMIobSkNs/edit?usp=sharing
Humble Bundle Monthly Affiliate: https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?partner=omniclab
AnaGramm, Daron G, Shazear, Cypher, Shepherd, Tonkatrukk, Sang L, IndecentSarcasm, Dallan S, Jayme S, & ManyFacedGod
Rob: twitter.com/notrob, twitch.tv/notrobmay
Andres: twitter.com/iplaigames https://www.twitch.tv/iplaigamestv
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This week, Omnic Lab gets together for the annual Omnic Noon for 2020! Blevins and Deathblow from High Noon Podcast join up with Andres and Rob to catch up on news and look forward to the next major features coming up in Overwatch!
GAME NIGHT: 1/27/2020
WEBSITE: http://www.omniclab.com/links
PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/omniclab
DISCORD INVITE: https://discord.gg/vZ26JX4
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/4PNaj8fM0j5pdIaGEDrPPJ
Shownotes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13mDj-VIDSHF_bMrepXUlgokdXg0xz3FWtUxMIobSkNs/edit?usp=sharing
Humble Bundle Monthly Affiliate: https://www.humblebundle.com/monthly?partner=omniclab
AnaGramm, Daron G, Shazear, Cypher, Shepherd, Tonkatrukk, Sang L, IndecentSarcasm, Dallan S, Jayme S, & ManyFacedGod
Rob: twitter.com/notrob, twitch.tv/notrobmay
Andres: twitter.com/iplaigames https://www.twitch.tv/iplaigamestv