There are some stories in the Bible that seem "strange" or unusual at first sight. Some may read them and question God's character. Others might be offended and forsake Scripture altogether. But are those stories really that strange? What is the background behind the stories, and why would we find such stories in the Bible?
There is another interesting detail to the story of Judah. Leah, Judah's mother found herself in a horrible family situation, being in constant strife with her sister as they were married to the same man (Jacob). Beyond daily competition and anger, the LORD eventually allowed her to have kids first (Gen 29:31). The names of her first three children inevitably cause the reader to think that she is not over her pain and grief. She calls her firstborn Reuben, "for she said, Surely the LORD hath looked upon my affliction, now therefore my husband will love me." (Gen 29:32). Although she reacts in a similar way when giving birth to her second and third son, something fascinating happens at the birth of her fourth child, Judah. Genesis 29:35 reads "And she conceived again, and bare a son, and she said, NOW will I praise the LORD: therefore she called his name Judah; and left bearing." What a pivotal moment! A woman in severe grief turns all of her attention away from the pain, and even though it had not been resolved, she decides to PRAISE GOD anyway.