Hello listeners! This message was given on Sunday July 25th, 2021 during our morning worship service at Baymeadows Baptist Church in Jacksonville, FL. I have not posted this message until now because later that same night, I started feeling very sick. I had contracted COVID, as well as my wife. We were very sick for 3 weeks and it hurts me to say that my wife did not survive. She went home to be with Jesus on Saturday August 14th, 2021, 14 years to the day of our first date. This has been a horrible time in my and my daughter's life. We are grieving severely. We are very grateful that we know that Raquel is in Heaven with Jesus and will never have to deal with sickness ever again. But we are sad because we miss her dearly. I feel lost without her. Our relatives and church family have been very supportive and understanding and we are very grateful for each of them.
This was the last message I preached before she passed away. This is the last message she heard me preach. And it is a very important message that I pray will motivate you to seek Jesus daily in the Word. I will be honest, currently I am struggling to read. I'm struggling to study. I'm struggling with my calling. Not because I am questioning God or because I don't trust Him, because I do. He is either sovereign, or He isn't. There is no in between. I'm just so heart broken and my other half is gone. I have a mortal wound that isn't healing. I have faith that it will one day...but it's not right now.
I did not include the Anchor commercial in this episode, because I just wanted everything to focus on the message. I feel this is a very important message for the church and I pray it will be an encouragement to you in your walk with the Lord. Please like, share, and subscribe to help get the message of the Gospel to as many as possible. I appreciate your support and your prayers. We covet them. God bless.
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