In this episode: Mieke Janssens from Belgium. Mieke got exposed to Benzodiazepines through alternative ways; the party scene and online. Mieke used Benzos initially to sleep, but later on used them to be sedated. Mieke used high dosages of Lendormin (Brotizolam) and Dormicum (Midazolam / Versed / Hypnovel) whilst on opiods for back problems. When she experienced severe symptoms and interdose withdrawal, she contacted her doctor who switched her to 90 milligrams of Valium (Diazepam). Mieke shares her entire journey, including her taper and jump, which was about 2.5 months ago. When she realized there was a lack of proper guidance on how to safely taper in her country, she decided on being a coach to help using her lived experience.
If you are English speaking, you can send Mieke an e-mail:
[email protected]