WoW! Talk! – Warcraft News and Guild Life

#252: Patch 10.2 and 3 Days Early Access

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Nick, Rei, Eric, and Kurabara are taking a break from defending the Emerald Dream to talk about their experiences in World of Warcraft! First, Rei talks about running mythic +20s, and how for that difficulty you need to know what you’re doing or you’re going to die. She also talks about getting the Crackers pet. Next, Rei talks about people pulling extra because they found out Rei was a girl. She also discusses knowing when people aren’t reading guild chat, and a friend that she had who got banned and finally after much effort got his ban overturned. Rei also talks about watching Grandma78 on twitch to get her camel mount.

Eric, meanwhile, has been having fun with the new content. He’s been enjoying superblooms as they are a good source of experience, gear, and even mounts. They are hard on his graphics card however. He talks about the raid making it up to Fyrakk and the effects of some of the trinkets he has picked up.

Kurabara discusses learning his augmentation rotation, and how to time buffing the raid at the start of the encounter. He also talks about how he’s been working on the story quests in Patch 10.2 and he and Nick discuss the relative ease of getting Pathfinder now.

Nick brings up the 3 day early access drama that the community has been raging against, since Blizzard announced that the Epic edition of The War Within would include 3 days early access to the expansion. Nick talks about the time he had to wait for his Legion collector’s edition to play Legion and also compares this to everyone being hyped for a movie trailer.

They also talk about some interviews that Ion did where he talked about avoiding shrinkflation in the coming expansions. Then, they review everything coming in Patch 10.2.5.

They announce the winner of the Jade, Bright Furseer mount. Congratulations, Sid!

Finally, they take a quick look back at episode #152.

Thank you for listening to WoW! Talk! Our next live show is scheduled for 12/4/23 at 10:30 pm E at For any scheduling updates, please follow us on X @wowtalkmtb. Send any emails about your thoughts or feedback to [email protected].

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Nick Zielenkievicz

Rei Liou

Eric Knutson

Cory Treadway

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WoW! Talk! – Warcraft News and Guild LifeBy Mash Those Buttons

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