We're finally back! It's been a long time in the "mostly not REAL internet" desert for Lili, but she has das fiber and we can record again. We're taking a break from story recap (which, yikes, yeah we know!) to talk about our reactions to the 7.1 live letter (the first one, anyway). Lots of good news, including some housing relief, and exciting new opportunities to wipe together with 7 to 23 of your best friends. Also there's some off-color jokes in here, so on that tip, we haven't missed a beat.
00:01:52 Sharing - Kristen
00:03:56 Sharing - Lilli
00:09:59 Sharing - Pan
00:18:21 Game Population and DDoS
00:23:09 Community Drama
00:35:57 New raid
00:40:58 Hall of Novice
00:48:54 Chaotic Alliance Raid
00:52:05 FRU
00:55:56 Misc. Sidequests
01:00:21 Unreal
01:04:26 Allied Society Quests
01:06:05 Custom Deliveries, Housing, and More
01:15:50 Halloween
01:17:37 Outro