Welcome to the premier of a new podcast called 252MEN. What is it about? It’s a four piece framework for authentic masculinity based on the life of Jesus, so a man can become the best version of himself. The four pieces are from Luke 2:52 “Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people”
I talk with men who have expertise in one of the four pieces; wisdom (life skills), physical health, relationship with God and relationships with others.
The format is simple, we spend 30 minutes talking about their area of expertise including their top tips for a man and their thoughts on masculinity.
I also write about lessons I’ve learned that I want to pass on to you.
You can find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter at 252 Men
But the best way to be sure you never miss a podcast episode or article is to join our email list. You can find it all at our website, 252men.com.
Looking forward to making this journey to authentic manhood with all of you.