WoW! Talk! – Warcraft News and Guild Life

#276: The Patch 11.0.5 Quiz!

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Nick, Rei, Eric, and Kurabara are back this week to talk about the upcoming Patch 11.0.5 celebrating the WoW 20th anniversary, and of course in order to prepare for that, its time for a quiz! But first, Rei talks about how the Xalatath buff only says it heals for a “certain amount” which is not very specific. She also talks about joining various PUGs to see what they are doing with their specific group requests, like an all girl PUG. She also talks about how people have not adjusted to the new scaling for Mythic+ dungeons: a +8 is not a +8, and a +10 is the new +20. They talk about how Delves have affected players normal gearing rotations for Mythic+, and point out that you should not be going into Mythic+s that you are not ready for.

Next, they talk about how players are not using all their utility in the Mythic+ dungeons. Kura talks about how he has different talent builds on his evoker with different utility talents selected depending on the boss fight. Nick points out that Mythic+ is intended for players to communicate, and being open to switching your build and using your interrupts is part of that. They also talk about how players can be defensive and think each other is being needlessly toxic. They also talk about how interrupts and dispels are just as much boss mechanics as standing in fire or dodging attacks are.

Next, Eric talks about how the guild has defeated the Nexus Princess boss. He was the only player left alive when he did it.

Kura talks about several bugs he has encountered in game (not Nerubians!). He also got a new mouse and his wife is excitedly digging into the lore.

Next, its time for the Patch 11.0.5 quiz, talking about the various events that will be part of the upcoming celebration.

In the news, Diablo IV has some awesome WoW skins available, and there is a new 12-month subscription mount/pet bundle.

Finally, Nick takes a quick look back at episode #176.

Thank you for listening to WoW! Talk! Our next live show is scheduled for November 4th 2024 at 10:30 pm E at For any scheduling updates, please follow us on X @wowtalkmtb. Send any emails about your thoughts or feedback to [email protected].

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Nick Zielenkievicz

Rei Liou

Eric Knutson

Cory Treadway

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WoW! Talk! – Warcraft News and Guild LifeBy Mash Those Buttons

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