WoW! Talk! – Warcraft News and Guild Life

#279: Felcycles, Mythic+, and Classic (and TOR?)

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Nick, Rei, Eric, and Kurabara are back this week to talk about what is going on in World of Warcraft. Rei begins by talking about some mythic+ runs and then they get sidetracked talking about the Felcycle mount that can be earned through completing several secrets. The secret finding discord is still trying to solve all the puzzles and Nick comments that getting the Hateforged Blazecycle through the Mountain Dew promotion may be easier. Rei also talks about running some mythic+ dungeons with underskilled groups and struggling to help get them up to a level to complete the dungeon.

Eric talks about how the guild is working on heroic Queen Ansurek but has not made much progress due to people missing raid for the holidays. He also mentions that he is working on his eighth level 80 character.

Kurabara talks about playing some WoW Classic instead of retail and compares that with his recent experience playing Star Wars: The Old Republic. He and Nick talk about why TOR is just an okay MMO when compared to WoW. They both do mention that they enjoy it. They talk about how the game struggles trying to marry story with MMO trappings without properly innovating in the space.

Nick talks about playing WoW with his kids and introducing them to classic as well as retail. He talks about how his son was struggling with the game because he lacks experience playing only Minecraft and tablet games.

In the news, they talk about the December Trading Post and also how Blizzard is now banning players for regularly leaving Mythic+ runs. They talk about how this is a deserved banwave.

They also discuss a reddit comment about saying hi when starting a Mythic+ run and then kicking anyone that does not respond. They agree this is acceptable as responding to a hello is a bare minimum ask of someone you are running a dungeon with.

Finally, Nick looks back at episode 179 when they reviewed Blizzconline and got ready for patch 9.0.5.

Thank you for listening to WoW! Talk! Our next live show is scheduled for December 16th, 2024 at 10:30 pm E at For any scheduling updates, please follow us onBluesky Send any emails about your thoughts or feedback to [email protected].

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Nick Zielenkievicz

Rei Liou

Eric Knutson

Cory Treadway

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WoW! Talk! – Warcraft News and Guild LifeBy Mash Those Buttons

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