WoW! Talk! – Warcraft News and Guild Life

#280: The Patch 11.0.7 Quiz

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Nick, Rei, Eric, and Kurabara are back this week to prepare for the imminent Patch 11.0.7 Siren’s Isle release on 12/17 by taking the Patch 11.0.7 Quiz! But first, Rei talks about the struggles with the changes to crest acquisition and Kura agrees with her. Then, she talks about a guild member who quit because the guild was not social enough, and that leads to a discussion of ways that guilds can be social and how being soclal requires both participation and inclusion. Kura talks about getting invited to a party and then getting whispered about the invite. They discuss discord as an alternative to Guild Chat. Rei mentions that she has not heard back about her harassment report. She also mentions that she is working on the anniversary achievements and that the voice actress for Nola, the Tortollan from Battle for Azeroth, passed away last year.

Eric then discusses the guild working on phase III of Queen Ansurek in the Nerub-ar Palace raid. He also mentions he has levelled more alts and then gets into a discussion of his struggles with Mythic+. He talks about a tank that quit after one pull and admits that he hates PUGs. He then talks about the secret questline in the anniversary event and Nick talks about how quickly it can be completed since time is starting to run out.

Kurabara talks about working on his crafting skills and that he rolled a vulpera priest. He is playing discipline and stressing out in dungeons as he learns the spec. He also talks about having a death knight ability that he just learned needs to be in melee range.

Next, Nick administers the Patch 11.0.7 quiz. Please send your quiz results to [email protected] with the subject “I want the transmog” For a chance to win the Waveborne Diplomat’s Regalia Transmog.

They then talk about recent events such as the secret hunting discord finally finding the felcycle and the supposed survey that Blizzard sent out asking about which classes people would like added to the game.

Finally, Nick takes a quick look back at episode #180 where they talked about struggling with PUGs.

Thank you for listening to WoW! Talk! Our next live show is scheduled for December 30th 2024 at 10:30 pm E at For any scheduling updates, please follow us on Bluesky Send any emails about your thoughts or feedback to [email protected].

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Nick Zielenkievicz

Rei Liou

Eric Knutson

Cory Treadway

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WoW! Talk! – Warcraft News and Guild LifeBy Mash Those Buttons

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