WoW! Talk! – Warcraft News and Guild Life

#283: Plunderstorm Rewards and One Class to Rule them All

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Nick, Rei, Eric, and Kurabara are back this week to talk about World of Warcraft! But first, Nick is excited and they talk about football for a bit. Go Eagles!

Next, Rei talks about how OoCS almost has Queen Ansurek down on their alts. She also talks about how people are relearning the raid on their alts and how she and Eric are getting each other’s drops. They talk about not getting rewards from LFR and this leads to Nick suggesting that people focus on enjoying the activity and not the reward. He wonders if the game has become too reward-centric. Kurabara talks about how he enjoys the activity of mining and farming. He also mentions he got most of the stuff on Siren’s Isle.

Rei talks about timewalking and she and Kura commiserate over healing ungrateful pugs. Nick jokes that Court of Stars is bugged. The gang talk about making sure to use your self-heals and interrupts to help your healer. Rei also talks about how they had to go all around the raid when dying. Kura points out the raid skip made it harder to run back when dying. Rei talks about finishing the Stormchaser achievement.

Eric talks about having the raid on farm and working on Dragonflight achievements. He also got Dragon Isles loremaster. They also talk about some of the new UI features including event timers, which would help Eric.

They mention that guild banks are still eating items, so be careful. They talk about tracking add-ons to make sure they don’t overwhelm your system. They are excited to be able to fly on Siren’s Isle.

Kura talks about stealing all his guilds crafting orders. He talks about how players need to complete all purple quests.

Nick talks about how Plunderstorm can force players into odd situations for rewards. He wonders what else players will begrudgingly do for rewards. He also proposes that Blizzard make a class that has no flavor and always tops the charts so that people won’t feel compelled to play the flavor of the month.

Next, they take a look back 100 episodes ago when Jeff Kaplan left Blizzard.

Thank you for listening to WoW! Talk! Our next live show is scheduled for February 10th 2025 at 10:30 pm E at For any scheduling updates, please follow us onBluesky Send any emails about your thoughts or feedback to [email protected].

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Nick Zielenkievicz

Rei Liou

Eric Knutson

Cory Treadway

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