Hello friends and family! 3 In The Same has been very busy behind the scenes and we would like to let everybody know about a new project that we are involved in and that we need your help letting everybody know about it! Please forward this information on to your friends and family! Click here to forward this message on! A few months ago, we were asked to create the title song for a new independent Christian film entitled "Stand Strong." We recently completed the recording of the title track and we would like everybody to know about it and check out the trailer on YouTube! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__ODSpBZXSk Here's some information about "Stand Strong" This is a Christian film about a man named Matt Webster and his family. They are Christian, are believers in Christ, and attend church sporadically. They have a huge disconnect in what they know and what they do, as they very minimally apply their faith to their everyday lives. They are obsessed with having a lot and looking good. They have a big house, nice cars, lots of toys and have set their hearts on them. The members of the family are so involved in their own interests and desires that they are largely disconnected from each other and lack unity in their home. Their pride has kept them from truly knowing Christ and living his teachings. Through a series of financial and family crises, they are humbled and are ready to seek Christ and learn and apply his teachings in their own lives, in their relationships with extended family and friends, and in their community. Or view the trailer at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__ODSpBZXSk Again, please forward this information on to your friends, family, church members, pastors...anyone and EVERYONE! Click here to forward this message on! And if you want to watch the movie trailer one more time...watch it above and here's the link again! =) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__ODSpBZXSk Oh, don't forget...click here to forward this message on!