After months of having *many* Chrome tabs open, Josh (Boney) has completed research on the background of Super Mario Land's producer and director, Gunpei Yokoi and Satoru Okada respectively, and so alongside Andrew (Gilly), the two finally sit down to go over an extended look at two important figures from Nintendo's R&D1 Team.
Next episode we will review and discuss the game itself - Super Mario Land, so stay on that RSS feed, listeners!
Articles used in research for this show:
Searching for Gunpei Yokoi
Ultra Machine (1967-1974)
Kôsenjû Duck Hunt (1976)
Yokoi and Kenji Eno talk about the Game Boy
Satoru Okada Interviews with
Koto Laboratory’s Kunekunetchyo and Professor Henoheno
Yokoi and Yukihito Morikawa talk a little more about the Gameboy
Interview centred on the Wii and DS with Satoru Iwata
Special thanks to the Before Mario Blog by Erik Voskuil, please check out the beautiful Before Mario coffee table book to support his fantastic work.
Send us your unpatented and medium definining inventions (or just questions) at: [email protected]
Joshua Bone - Practicing his digital clay pigeon shooting
Andrew Gilmore - Dreaming of the Power Joy
All music and sound effects from the god king, Hirokazu "Hip" Tanaka.