Legion is out and there's SO MUCH you can do! But what are four things you should do? Follow these here links to a happier Legion future! Margoss' Retreat Get a fishy mount and a fishy toy for fishing with Legion's version of Nat Pagle. If you join a group with the Group Finder, you can get this completely done in a couple hours! WoW Legion Companion App Do some things when you're away from your computer! It's light, fun, easy, and you actually accomplish things in-game whilst out of the game! Kosumoth Attunement Quest It sounds complicated—but there's an easy step-by-step guide for how to open up this World Quest, where you can get a pet and a mount—and have fun, of course! Katie advises bringing potions for breathing water and evading monsters! Long-lost Hippogryph Who doesn't want a mount that the folks in Darnassus have been using this whole time? Apparently this one is a mite complicated and/or tough!