STO Nation

38. John Brindell and Elikem Moten: Co-Founder and Marketing Director of Agile Off Road

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This episode is the 2nd and last part of the mini series about suspension. If you didn’t check out last week's episode w/ Van Compass, you should because it’s jam packed full of technical information that will help inform you to make the best decision when it comes to buying a suspension.

I’d like to state that I really don’t think you can go wrong w/ either Van Compass or Agile’s RIP kit. Both are fantastic suspensions that have great engineering behind them and both are a massive improvement over the stock suspension. .

And the last note before we begin is Agile requested to re-do the podcast from the one that we recorded in Flagstaff during the Overland Expo during Storyteller’s big 2022 features release. There were a number of reason why, but I obliged to their request for reasons stated in the episode.

And I’m glad we did re-record because we get to know John more intimately by talking about the genesis of Agile and even about one of his good friends and co-owner who passed away. John also answers the question on how the relationship was started w/ Storyteller began, why the Beast MODE doesn't come w/ the shock damper, what they offer for the MODE LT, answers his opinion on VC vs RIP kit, bigger fuel tank options, the hidden winch design, their new bumper, and other products that will make your MODE one bad mamma jamma!

This is a great episode that covers a lot of information to include updates about their new locker that they’re R&D’ing with ARB right now.

Make sure to follow Agile on their website, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube accounts.

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A special thanks to our sponsors:

Volta Power Systems

Freedom VanGo

Owl Vans

Kerma Vans

La Mesa RV

Canyon Adventure Vans

STO Nation Production Credits:

Audio Engineer: Stephen Grasso

Marketing Director: Guillaume Golsong

Original Music and Artist: Jason Walsmith and The Nadas

Sound Designer: Lorenzo Interiano

Web Designer Extraordinaire: Peng Shi

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